Atelier "Modélisation des interactions mimétiques" en collaboration avec le Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée, Ecole polytechnique - Animateur: Mark Anspach - Intervenants : David bChavalarias/b, CREA: Métadynamiques mimétiques en cognition ... Séminaire de formation "Mimétisme et psychose naissante" en collaboration avec l'bHôtel/b-Dieu de Paris - Animateur: Mark Anspach - Intervenants: M. Anspach (Nietzsche), René Girard (Virginia Woolf), Jean-Christophe Goddard, ...
Dump bags at my bhotel/b du jour (les 3 colleges, rue Cujas), check email, grab a chinese steamed bun for lunch, and then proceed to rue d'Ulm, and the Ecole Normale Superieure itself, which is just as Superieure as usual, even in the rain, and even though the b..../b David bChavalarias/b presented some high powered statistical work on terminology in scientific literature; Celine talked about her corpus of academic writing; Nicole talked about her work with historical archives. ...